The Jump program is aimed at high school students who want to pursue their studies and do not know what they want, or what the best university application strategy to adopt is.

We work with young people in two combined strands, in group, using games and exercises; and
individually, through the application of psychotechnical tests, vocational, personality and coaching.

We give support in the selection of courses and universities in Portugal and abroad, so that on the day of application young people have no doubts.

O programa Jump promove o autoconhecimento, a motivação e o sucesso académico.

At the end of the program, we deliver a report with information on the different tests taken, and a list of courses and universities, in Portugal and abroad.


Último programa ano letivo 2024/25.


8 de fevereiro das 9:30 às 17:30

Face-to-Face Group Workshop


Após a inscrição, os participantes recebem acesso à sessão de testes assíncrona.
Sessão de testes psicotécnicos à escolha: 28 de janeiro das 19:00 às 20:00 OU 1 de fevereiro das 11:00 às 12:00 .

Online individual sessions will be scheduled according to the availability of each participant and Shape Your Future.

The programmes are possible with a minimum of 8 participants. The maximum number of participants is 12.



 Is this programme for you?

Are you ready to Jump?


The programme is inspired by the concept of IKIGAI - "reason for living" - and is limited to 12 participants.

Includes psychometric, vocational and personality tests.
1-hour online sessions.

What you can expect at the end of the programme.


Soft skills...

  • Ability to make an informed decision about the academic path to follow

  • Ability to develop and adjust your action plan, according to new information and knowledge

  • Gain visibility on the evolution of the world and the implications for the labor market

  • Understand the challenges facing the world and the need to address them in a professional context


are Hard skills.

  • Getting to know yourself better and knowing how your personality type, your values and your vocational profile impact on your choices

  • Develop empathy and tolerance, gaining awareness that different personality profiles act and think differently

  • To understand what impact you have on others and how you are perceived by them

  • Develop critical thinking in the analysis and evaluation of options

The team.


The team that works with the studens has extensive corporate experience in different sectors, companies and countries; as well as experience in higher education and admission processes; and in the practice of clinical psychology with children, adolescents and adults. With all these experiences, we are able to guide young people in different dimensions, including identifying their vocation, the professions in which they can be most successful and happy, and the academic choices they should make at each moment.


Anabela Possidónio
Founder & Coach

Débora Martins
Psychologist & Clinical Director

Marta Andaluz
Education Consultant



Jump Program




What they say about us.


  • For secondary school pupils who want to continue their studies in higher education and don't know which course to take, or what the best university application strategy should be.

  • The programme is designed to help young people make better decisions throughout their lives through a process of self-knowledge, which allows them to better understand who they are, what their talents are and their vocation.

    By the end of the programme, they will know which university course they want to study and which universities they want to apply to. In addition, they will have developed the ability to make decisions based on who they really are.

  • This programme is different both because of the methodology used and the team that developed it.

    The methodology combines the benefits of group work with a 100% personalised approach. In the group component we develop various dynamics and challenges that allow young people to get to know each other better and understand the impact they have on others. In the individual component we reflect on the results of the tests and dynamics that took place in the group sessions and explore other dimensions that allow young people to identify the right academic path for them.

    The team is composed by Débora Martins, psychologist, Anabela Possidónio, Coach, and Marta Andaluz, education consultant. This team brings together a wide corporate experience in different sectors, companies, and countries, the experience of the university world and respective admission processes and psychology.

    With all these experiences we are able to accompany your children in different dimensions, including the professions in which they can be more successful and happier, the courses aligned with their vocation and personality and the university application strategy.

  • The team includes a psychologist, Débora Martins, as well as Marta Andaluz, an educational consultant, and Anabela Possidónio, a coach and founder of Shape Your Future.

    With all these experiences we are able to accompany your children in different dimensions, including the professions in which they can be more successful and happier, the courses aligned with their vocation and personality and the university application strategy.

  • Yes, young people take various tests, including vocational tests, personality tests, values tests and also mental aptitude tests, also known as psychotechnical tests.

  • No workshop presencial desenvolvemos várias dinâmicas que permitem aos jovens conhecerem-se melhor, quer através de si próprios, quer pelos olhos dos outros.

    We also foster the development of skills considered critical in the 21st century: empathy, tolerance, active listening, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork skills.

    Neste workshop, debatemos também como é que o mundo vai evoluir, os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e o impacto ao nível das profissões.

    A sessão de grupo dura cerca de 8 horas e é muito dinâmica. Nela convidamos os os jovens a reflectir e a debater, motivando-os a integrarem diferentes dimensões no seu processo de decisão.

  • The individual sessions allow us to detail some of the information we gathered during the group sessions, as well as to explore dimensions that will have an impact on the choice of course that young people decide to study.

    During these sessions we also explore potential courses and professions, clarify any questions they may have and outline their university application strategy with them.

    The one-to-one sessions are also an opportunity for us to help them unlock some issues, as well as consider options they hadn't considered before.

  • O programa tem uma duração média 14 horas e 30 minutos, dividido por 7 sessões.

  • O programa é constituído por 1 sessão assíncrona de testes online, 1 sessão de grupo presencial, 1 sessão síncrona de testes picotécnicos e 4 sessões individuais online.

    Na quarta e última sessão individual os pais são muito bem-vindos para acompanhar @ jovem na sessão de entrega de relatório.

    Os jovens que se vão candidatar ao ensino superior público em Portugal, podem optar por reunir com a equipa para validar a estratégia de candidatura uns dias antes de a submeterem (é necessário já terem notas dos exames e a média do secundário).

  • O horário do workshop presencial é fixo e está disponível no site. De momento, os workshops realizam-se aos sábados das 9:30 às 17:30, mas deverá consultar o horário da edição do curso em que se inscreve.

    Individual sessions are 1 hour long and scheduled according to the availability of the young people and the Shape Your Future team.

  • Each group has a maximum of 12 young people.
    This number allows us to have richer dynamics and greater sharing in the group sessions, without compromising personalisation.

  • The team is composed by Débora Martins, psychologist, Anabela Possidónio, Coach, and Marta Andaluz, education consultant. This team brings together a wide corporate experience in different sectors, companies, and countries; the experience of the university world and respective admission processes and psychology.

    With all these experiences we are able to accompany your children in different dimensions, including the professions in which they can be more successful and happier, the courses aligned with their vocation and personality and the university application strategy.

  • The final report includes a description of the personality, a summary of all the tests that were taken throughout the programme, identification of potential ways forward, recommendation of courses and universities as well as links to identified courses/universities.