Making decisions about our future is not always easy, nor is it immediate

Shape Your Future is there for you in these confusing and difficult times. We will help you to identify and evaluate all the available options, so that you can follow a path that suits you.

Upcoming dates.

Os nossos programas de orientação vocacional e autoconhecimento para alunos do 9º ano & 11º e 12º ano já têm data marcada. Toma nota!


Want more...
or different?

There are times in professional life when we are no longer comfortable where we are, either because we want more, or because we want something different.
Shape Your Future has a team of professionals, with extensive corporate experience, in different sectors and geographies, including the education sector, to help you through this change.


What they say about us


Talk to us.

A 20-minute conversation, no commitment or cost.